Sunday, January 24, 2010

Back in the routine...

You have to experience the rain to appreciate the sunshine.

How could we even begin to see the greatness in our lives if we didn't have to fight through the battles as well?
There are so many great aspects in my life that I couldn't even begin to treasure without seeing what it would be like not to have them.

Eric and I called it quits... well, "friends". I'm over it though. Sometimes it takes the relationship to end to realize how superficial and unrealistic it was to work out. I am just thankful for the amazing memories and lessons I got out of it, and possibly a great friend.
This poem by the great Robert Frost has really helped me.

Nothing Gold Can Stay
Nature's first green is gold,
Her hardest hue to hold.
Her early leaf's a flower;
But only so an hour.
Then leaf subsides to leaf.
So Eden sank to grief,
So dawn goes down to day.
Nothing gold can stay.
-See it as you like, but I do believe that life is beautiful for all of it's battles, struggles, and imperfections. We just have to live for the moment and appreciate the past.

The best things in our lives are the things we say goodbye to. We all hear saying such as, " What doesn't kill us makes us stronger, " and "You never know what you have until it's gone," and we just roll our eyes because those are words that we all understand, but can not grasp when we are in need of believing them. Life isn't about keeping greatness, it's about learning to appreciate what you have now, and what you had then. Everyday people fall in and out of love, and there is nothing we can do about it but hope that either way, people find joy within their own lives.
Some of the best relationships between two people are kept because of such strong relationships within themselves. - Yes, that's another one of those sayings that people understand but don't truly believe.
I miss all my boys, and I'll include Eric in that because we shared a lot over our 3 weeks together.
I also miss Kathryn, Faith, and Katie because they are my backbone, and I know they will always be there for me.- I know I have said this on several occasions, and I stick to it.
Kathryn is the hardest person to be away from right now, even though she's the person I talk to the most while we are apart. I just feel like our friendship is something that will never be lost, and it's surely something to appreciate.
So now I'm back at my place that I now call home; Murray State.
(Sometimes I feel like this blog is like my 4th grade diary, just a little bit deeper)
Confession time: I've met a new boy already. ;)
It know it's a little ridiculous, and I don't just feel like it's a re-bound thing.
His name is Nash, and he's a really great guy so far.
We have a lot in common, and he knows how to treat women.
We are taking things slow, as in hanging out, but giving each other "me-time". We are getting to know each other, but not giving our whole selves. We are both giving equal effort to see if this is going to work.
I have realized throughout the years liking/loving someone a lot more than if the person makes you smile when you are down, and if the person is fun to be around. It's about that connection that just makes you fit. Sometimes I like to believe there isn't a single word in the English dictionary to describe it, but it's sort of magical. It's a puzzle that takes time to put together, but once you do, it's something that still needs to carefully be glued together and shown respectfully with pride.
I've stopped with my whole, " My hopes are low, and my expectations are high," saying and now It's tranformed into a statement that, " My hopes are high, as well as my expectations." Belief is the glue, and without it, things are going to fall apart. I also believe this theory applies to many other situations in life besides relationships. If you have beliefs in success, and you hold yourself to high expectations, life might just take you by surprise.

My life is not revolving around boys though. I've heard the saying that nothing matters without love, and I believe it to a certain extent. I also believe that love comes in many other forms, such as the love of writing, and the love of learning. The love for my friends and family is pretty significant in my life as well.

Back to the title of this blog, in short, I'm back to the routine of things at school, and it feels good. I love my friends here, I love my school, and most importantly(the lesson of this entry) I'm loving a non-conceited way. ;)

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