Thursday, February 2, 2012

Cleansing. -- just a word in example of how hipster I'm becoming

I update my facebook status not too frequently, but every once in a while I'm just needing to be heard. I don't take a lot of time composing them, but rather just put down whatever comes to the top of my mind. No, not that I'm so impressed by the weather or that I just want to lay in bed all day, but just random thoughts.
Today, it was about cleansing myself, inside and out. I guess I just have days like this where I just feel a little bit less than awesome, that things I say scare some people off, and I just want to cleanse myself of these bad thoughts. Most of the time I would say that I'm pretty wonderful, a sincere friend, a genuinely hard-working person. So today, I want to clear my mind, in which, I decided to write this blog post. I should be, as always, doing other studying, but before I go to the gym I just need to make some things clear in my head.
I will never stop being me. I will never stop being quirky, weird, overly happy, spontaneous, laid back(despite what this blog might lead you to believe), passionate, always empathetic, loud, silly, hilarious at least to myself, and real. I will always be this same person, though I will continue to grow out of my immaturity, and embracing the fact that my personality doesn't blend well with many just had to be a part of that. I have people in my life that accept me, and those that do not, they will lives their lives otherwise.
As much as I feel that I am ready for a serious relationship, I am not. I am not strong enough to let someone pick at my insecurities and I'm not to the point yet where I can just feel free to let go.
Sometimes I have to step back and look at the bigger picture. Self-love comes first. Taking care of me is important too.
Enough with this, time to stretch. Spin class! Woo!
I'll write soon...enough.