First semester is almost over.
It's really hard to write for fun in college, but I mean, writing is always fun. ;)
I think this one has potential. He is funny, a jerk in a good way, and really cute. He tries to act tough, but he shows me respect. I am trying not to fall yet, but sometimes I just can't help it. I denied that I liked him for so long... just to find out that he liked me too. Pretty much makes me smile a lot.
I wish that we could hang out on this break, but I know a little distance will be good. I did spend pretty much a full 24 hours with him before I came home.
Okay, enough about that.
I'm great by myself. I picked out classes for next semester and besides the times they are at, they seem pretty amazing. You can't get everything you want. :)
My group of friends amazes me everyday with how great and supportive they are. I feel like I can depend on all of them easily. As Lanna would put it, we are one great big dysfunctional loving family. Hehe.
It's nice to be home with my Saint Louis friends though. They are great too. I couldn't live without them, and catching up with them makes me light up.
The holidays are here; enjoy!